Inspired By The Dinner Party: Hatshepsut

I’ve hit a creative block! It happens. I’ve found that a useful way to deal with it is to do some technical exercises in my sketchbooks until I’m unblocked. I was having a bit of a reminisce and remembered going to see Judy Chicago’s Dinner Party in London way back when. I can’t remember where it was, I remember it was a warehouse-type building and very dark inside. I think it was the early 80s. I was blown away by it! It was the first installation I had ever seen. Although I was skint, I bought the book and I still have it, all dog eared and yellowing.

I started flicking through it today and decided to start copying some of the plates using drawing pens (Faber Castell Pitt) and watercolours (Derwent Inktense blocks). The first is Hatshepsut, the great Egyptian Queen (1503-1482 BC). I’m not happy with the little sketch, but that’s ok, I will improve as I do more. I wonder how many I’ll do before the blockage shifts? Doesn’t matter, I’m enjoying revisiting the Dinner Party and reading about all those amazing women.

Published by Rosie Scribblah

I'm an artist / printmaker / scribbler. I love drawing and all the geeky stuff associated with printmaking, working in a figurative style. I live in Wales with husband and demented cats. And my real name is Rose Davies :D

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