Revisiting The Stones.

The Maen Llia standing stone in the magnificent landscape of Bannau Brycheiniog.

Maen Llia.

Here’s one of the wonderful standing stones featured in Dewi Bowen’s new book, that I was involved in. As Dewi travelled around researching the ancient megaliths of South Wales, I went with him on his journey, drawing and painting in the field – literally fields! This is the magnificent Maen Llia in the beautiful setting of Bannau Brycheiniog.

Maen Llia in Bannau Brycheiniog.

Dewi will be signing copies of his book on April 29th, 16.00 – 18.00, at The Workers Gallery in Ynyshir (here).

Published by Rosie Scribblah

I'm an artist / printmaker / scribbler. I love drawing and all the geeky stuff associated with printmaking, working in a figurative style. I live in Wales with husband and demented cats. And my real name is Rose Davies :D

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