
A painting of a reddish standing stone on a dark brown background. It stands behind a barbed wire fence, painted in white.
One of my favourites.

Here’s a favourite standing stone that I painted in the field while I was out and about with Dewi Bowen as he was researching his new book “Hunting The Wild Megalith”. It’s Garreg Coch in Carmarthenshire and it’s been protected for many years by a barbed wire fence.

We’ll be at The Workers Gallery on Saturday 29th April from 16.00 – 18.00 to sign copies. The Rhondda Valley is particularly lovely at this time of year, why not explore and join us? There will be cake!

Published by Rosie Scribblah

I'm an artist / printmaker / scribbler. I love drawing and all the geeky stuff associated with printmaking, working in a figurative style. I live in Wales with husband and demented cats. And my real name is Rose Davies :D

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