Paper, Pony, En Plein Air

I’ve been travelling around the wild spaces of South Wales over the last seven weeks with archaeologist Dewi Bowen and film maker Melvyn Williams on Y Twrch Trwyth, The Boar’s Trail from the Mabinogion, the book of ancient Welsh legends. Melvyn is filming as Dewi researches the ancient stones for his new book and I’mContinue reading “Paper, Pony, En Plein Air”

The Three Rs

The Three Rs – Recycle, Repurpose, Reuse; it’s what I do with paper all the time. If something doesn’t work out, no point in keeping it hanging around. And as I use really good quality paper, I’m not going to bin it. I did a massive drawing on Fabriano Accademica about a year ago (youContinue reading “The Three Rs”