Drawing Musicians 5

Another little quick scribble from my sketchbook from the other evening when I went to see my young nephew perform with his fellow students on his music course. It’s not easy drawing people on stage, they tend to move around a lot, except for bass players 😀 I was drawing in the dark, couldn’t seeContinue reading “Drawing Musicians 5”

Drawing Musicians 4

I had a chance to scribble some young musicians last week, at the college where my great nephew is studying music. It was very dark in the audience but it’s good practice to draw in darkness, not being able to rely on looking at your paper.

Drawing Musicians 3.

I went to our local college the other evening, to see my young nephew perform in his first gig. It was an assessment really, but friends and relatives were welcome to come along. It was a good chance to scribble people playing musical instruments, which I find quite hard. This guitarist was sitting down soContinue reading “Drawing Musicians 3.”

Drawing Musicians 2

My great nephew performed in his first college concert yesterday, so I went along to listen and scribble. It’s so good to see the next generation of musicians coming through, all teenagers and all obviously totally committed to their craft. Coincidentally the performance arts campus is my old school, Llwyn y Bryn. I hadn’t beenContinue reading “Drawing Musicians 2”

Drawing Musicians 1

I went to see my young nephew play in his first college concert this evening. He’s studying for Level 3 Music Performance and the students have been put into bands and they had to write some original songs and perform them. It was lovely seeing …. and hearing …. so many talented young people. OfContinue reading “Drawing Musicians 1”