Swansea Fringe 10: The Red Drummer.

This guy had everything – tattoos, drums and red hair. Great to draw. Not easy though, because he’s a vigorous drummer and his arms were a blur most of the time. That’s a challenge for me, do I capture a split second in time, as I have here or do I use some technique toContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 10: The Red Drummer.”

Swansea Fringe 1: Drawing Drummers.

I’m shattered and aching! I spent the past 3 evenings in Crowley’s Rock Bar sketching performers at Swansea Fringe 2022 – 30 drawings in all, a lot of work. Drawing drummers is a bit mad – they move so fast and so hard. The way the stage is laid out, most of the drummers wereContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 1: Drawing Drummers.”