Husb In Blue…

I don’t always work from drawings although 90% of my work, or more, is based on sketches. Sometimes I have a bit of a play with photographic imagery and translate it into various forms of printmaking, this is cyanotype. Cyan is the colour blue and also the first four letters of cyanide and it’s thisContinue reading “Husb In Blue…”

Time For A Move …..

After 30 years of city-centre living, Husb and I are selling up and moving from our large inner-city Victorian terraced house to somewhere in The ‘Burbs. We’re looking for a “garden with a house attached”, more land, less house. We love our tiny urban garden and have made the most of it, but as weContinue reading “Time For A Move …..”

A Head At A Gig … The Unruly One

A quick portrait sketch with a graphite block into my Khadi handmade paper sketchbook. I like the thick graphite with this textured paper, anything finer would struggle to be seen. This guy had lots of quite unruly hair and the thick end of the graphite block was ideal for scribbling a likeness.

A Head At A Gig…The Hat One

Husb and I went to a gig the other night ….. more of that in another post. Of course I had to have a quick scribble or two. This is my old mate Peter Crow, who plays with an awesome Gothic Folk Rock band (I hope I got that right) called Wild-Eyed, Wicked and Oblivious.Continue reading “A Head At A Gig…The Hat One”

Faces From The Past…

I’ve been taking a stroll through the images I’ve posted on this blog over the years – I’ve been doing it since 2011. It’s been good for me to revisit the work, I tend to ignore sketches once I’ve done them, which is a pity because there’s often some good stuff there. Here are fourContinue reading “Faces From The Past…”

A Blast From The Past…

From 2012, a sketchbook scribble of Oystermouth Castle in Mumbles at the western edge of Swansea. I used to do a lot more drawing en plein air directly into sketchbooks, but I fell out of that daily practice during the Covid19 lockdowns and I haven’t really got back into it. I should, it’s good forContinue reading “A Blast From The Past…”

Elder Heads: 3

And another hastily scribbled head of an elderly woman. She looks like she has had the cares of the world on her for many years. Graphite into a Khadi hand-made paper sketchbook.

Elder Heads: 2

Another scribble of an older person, as we get older we often look more like the opposite sex and it can be hard to tell elder men and women apart without cues like clothing, jewellery, make-up. I’ve used a graphite block into a Khadi handmade paper sketchbook.

Elder Heads: 1

I guess it’s my age, I get to go places where there are lots of elders these days. I used to go places where there were lots of younger people. When I was younger LOL 😀