Swansea Fringe 7: Zed Motel.

Sometimes when I’m sketching, I’m not happy with the result I get with the materials I’m using. That happened with the singer of Zed Motel, a band at Crowleys Rock Bar during Swansea Fringe the other weekend. I liked the effect of the Inktense blocks that I used with a reservoir brush, but they wereContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 7: Zed Motel.”

Swansea Fringe 6: Rock Foxes.

Here’s another sketch from the recent Swansea Fringe, where I cwtched into a corner of Crowleys Rock Bar and drew musicians for 3 nights. It’s not easy sketching bands, there are lots of people on stage and they tend to move around a lot. I have to make a decision who and what to drawContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 6: Rock Foxes.”

Swansea Fringe 5: Swanhill.

It’s been just over a week now since my three-night stint as a Swansea Fringe sketcher. It was a great idea and seemed to go down well with the bands. I’m well happy, I did 30 sketches, a lot of work in a relatively short time. And loads of really good practice too. Drawing andContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 5: Swanhill.”

Swansea Fringe 4: Cool Shirts.

Here are another couple of sketches from Crowleys Rock Bar during Swansea Fringe last weekend. The singer of Teal Flood is on the left, and on the right a musician from bi-lingual band The Night School. These are very quick drawings so it’s not always possible to get an accurate likeness and I’m sure theContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 4: Cool Shirts.”

Swansea Fringe 3: Heavy On The Ride.

My three-night stint as a Swansea Fringe artist yielded 30 sketches …. and a lot of aches! I was hunched over my sketchbooks for about 4 hours each evening and my body wasn’t too happy. But I LOVED it. Drawing and listening to rock and metal – like I’d died and gone to rock heaven!Continue reading “Swansea Fringe 3: Heavy On The Ride.”

Swansea Fringe 2: Ria Plays.

I spent three evenings in rock heaven over the weekend, sketching musicians at Crowley’s Rock Bar for Swansea Fringe. It’s good discipline because you have to be quick to catch performers who, mostly, move around a lot. Although bass players are generally quite still, coolly delivering a killer bass line with hardly a flicker ofContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 2: Ria Plays.”

Swansea Fringe 1: Drawing Drummers.

I’m shattered and aching! I spent the past 3 evenings in Crowley’s Rock Bar sketching performers at Swansea Fringe 2022 – 30 drawings in all, a lot of work. Drawing drummers is a bit mad – they move so fast and so hard. The way the stage is laid out, most of the drummers wereContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 1: Drawing Drummers.”

Swansea Fringe: Back Home Late …

Just back from seeing a whole lot of bands. I’m one of the Swansea Fringe official sketchers and here’s one from last night at Crowley’s Rock Bar, a really talented rock duo called Rainyday Rainbows. Awesome. Now it’s time for bed …..