A Face In The Crowd.

Sometimes you see a face and you’ve just got to sketch it. This guy was at The Jexit gig at The White Lion in Aberdare last week, grooving to the band. A face full of character.

More Japanese JAM ….

Here’s another sketch from Aberdare last Friday on a cold Welsh Winter night with torrential rain. I’d gone to see a Japanese Jam cover band, The Jexit, perform at The White Lion, with my mate. It was a fantastic gig. The lead singer Yoshi Tokio had flown in from Japan a few days before but theContinue reading “More Japanese JAM ….”

A Japanese JAM Tribute Band in Aberdare.

My pal and I went up to Aberdare, proper up the Valleys, on a cold Friday night in torrential rain (luckily she was driving, not me) to see a Japanese Jam cover band, The Jexit, perform at the small but perfectly formed local pub The White Lion. Of course, I had to have a scribble.Continue reading “A Japanese JAM Tribute Band in Aberdare.”