Swansea Fringe 13: Two Til Twelve.

Sometimes when I’m sketching at a gig, the music influences me more than at other times, like when I did this one at the recent Swansea Fringe. The movements of the guitarist in Two Til Twelve and the music got me scribbling manically, more so than usual. I really got into the zone with myContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 13: Two Til Twelve.”

Swansea Fringe 12: Quick Scribbles.

These very quick sketches are from the first night I drew at this year’s Swansea Fringe, at Crowley’s Rock Bar. I find it’s good practice to rattle off some very quick scribbles at the beginning of a drawing session, to warm up. I suppose it’s like a singer doing scales in the dressing room orContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 12: Quick Scribbles.”