One, Two, Three ……

The show is in Orchard Street Gallery which is part of HQ Urban Kitchen on Swansea’s Orchard Street and runs through to the end of January. The other venues showing my work are Cinema&Co.ffee and GS Artists.

More Japanese JAM ….

Here’s another sketch from Aberdare last Friday on a cold Welsh Winter night with torrential rain. I’d gone to see a Japanese Jam cover band, The Jexit, perform at The White Lion, with my mate. It was a fantastic gig. The lead singer Yoshi Tokio had flown in from Japan a few days before but theContinue reading “More Japanese JAM ….”

A Japanese JAM Tribute Band in Aberdare.

My pal and I went up to Aberdare, proper up the Valleys, on a cold Friday night in torrential rain (luckily she was driving, not me) to see a Japanese Jam cover band, The Jexit, perform at the small but perfectly formed local pub The White Lion. Of course, I had to have a scribble.Continue reading “A Japanese JAM Tribute Band in Aberdare.”

Shlug And Pants!

The singer in the Shlug band performs in his pants. That’s British pants, not American pants. He performs in his kecks. His trons. His undies. And he’s brilliant. And the band is brilliant. I sketched them recently at Hangar 18 in the Swansea Fringe. I did the portrait sketch with Nitram charcoal and the scribbledContinue reading “Shlug And Pants!”

High Speed Shlug!

Here’s a few speed sketches I did of the very fast and furious band Shlug at The Swansea Fringe recently. Incredibly loud and rapid music and a lead singer who doesn’t stop, rapidly becoming one of my favourite bands. It’s a challenge to draw that quickly, especially in a dark venue (Hangar 18) with lotsContinue reading “High Speed Shlug!”

Swansea Fringe 2023: Rock Foxes 2.

Some more sketches the very loud and very entertaining punk band Rock Foxes at the Swansea Fringe last weekend at Crowley’s Rock Bar. There’s some terrific banter between the band members. When I’m speed sketching, there’s usually only enough time to get an impression of what’s before me, especially with rock bands who tend to be moving aContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 2023: Rock Foxes 2.”

Swansea Fringe 2023: Rock Foxes 1

Here are a couple of sketches of the punk band Rock Foxes at the Swansea Fringe last weekend at Crowley’s Rock Bar. I did this with Derwent Inktense blocks and a reservoir water brush into my Khadi sketchbook. I put too much water onto the paper and my lines ran but I like it. The quickContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 2023: Rock Foxes 1”

Swansea Fringe 2023: Dafydd Hedd

Here are three sketches of the Indie Rock musician Dafydd Hedd and a fellow musician who appeared the Fringe last weekend at Crowley’s Rock Bar. I did the pen sketches first but wasn’t happy with them so I switched to Nitram charcoal into my Khadi sketchbook, which I prefer.

Swansea Fringe 2023: Lurcher 3.

Another sketch from Lurcher‘s performance last weekend at Hangar 18 at this year’s Swansea Fringe. This time I left the bassist alone and scribbled the lead singer. It was a quick sketch and the venue was dark so I didn’t notice the wobbly hand until the next day. I really like it.