Swansea Fringe 2023: VAILS

Here are some sketches of the band VAILS, from last weekend at Hangar 18 at this year’s Swansea Fringe. I drew this first one into my rough Khadi sketchbook with a stick of Nitram charcoal. Then I did some very free sketches into my smooth sketchbook with a Faber Castell Pitt drawing pen. These are quick, as thereContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 2023: VAILS”

Swansea Fringe 2023: Lurcher 2

A couple more sketches from Lurcher‘s performance last weekend at Hangar 18 at this year’s Swansea Fringe. I drew this into my Khadi sketchbook, which is really rough paper, not suitable for pen work but great for my Derwent Inktense blocks. I scribbled the lines of the body and guitar straight onto the page with the point ofContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 2023: Lurcher 2”

Swansea Fringe 2023: Lurcher 1.

Another of the bands at Hangar 18 at this year’s Swansea Fringe, Lurcher‘s bassist’s great expansive movements onstage got me scribbling frantically. At one point I had 3 drawings of him on the go as he moved around so much, I was determined to capture him on paper. It’s unusual to see such a livelyContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 2023: Lurcher 1.”

Swansea Fringe 2023: Celavi 2

Celavi was the first band that Husb and I saw this Fringe season, in Hangar 18 and I drew Gwion, who has an extraordinary look, like a Neil Gaiman character interpreted by Dave McKean. The colour theme of the set is vivid pink and black so I used a Faber Castell Pitt drawing pen andContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 2023: Celavi 2”

It’s That Fringe Time Again! Celavi 1.

It was the annual Swansea Fringe again this weekend and I immersed myself in Heavy Metal, Rock and Scribbling at a couple of Swansea’s heavier venues. Here’s my first drawing of the Fringe, at Hangar 18, of the singer Sarah from the Bangor-based Nu-Metal band Celavi. She wore this amazing stage outfit of black PVCContinue reading “It’s That Fringe Time Again! Celavi 1.”

The Fiddler.

Another sketchbook drawing from the lovely gig at Elysium on Saint David’s Day. Singer, composer, musician Angharad Jenkins thrilled us with her wonderful set. I had to have a scribble, of course, but haven’t done her justice. It’s not easy drawing people moving around a lot, but it’s really good practice.

Dydd Gwŷl Dewi Sant Hapus.

Happy Saint David’s Day. Husb and I went to a celebration of Welsh culture at Elysium this evening, with poetry and music and song, Welsh Cakes and Cawl Cennen a Thatws (Leek and Potato Soup). Of course I had to have a scribble, of talented young pianist Eddie Gripper.

Swansea Fringe 10: The Red Drummer.

This guy had everything – tattoos, drums and red hair. Great to draw. Not easy though, because he’s a vigorous drummer and his arms were a blur most of the time. That’s a challenge for me, do I capture a split second in time, as I have here or do I use some technique toContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 10: The Red Drummer.”

Swansea Fringe 1: Drawing Drummers.

I’m shattered and aching! I spent the past 3 evenings in Crowley’s Rock Bar sketching performers at Swansea Fringe 2022 – 30 drawings in all, a lot of work. Drawing drummers is a bit mad – they move so fast and so hard. The way the stage is laid out, most of the drummers wereContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 1: Drawing Drummers.”

Swansea Fringe: Back Home Late …

Just back from seeing a whole lot of bands. I’m one of the Swansea Fringe official sketchers and here’s one from last night at Crowley’s Rock Bar, a really talented rock duo called Rainyday Rainbows. Awesome. Now it’s time for bed …..