One From The Archives ….

The Melted Rocks: a monotype.

One of my favourite places is Paviland, a strange otherworldly cove on the coast of the Gower Peninsula which is the site of the Goat’s Hole Cave, famous for the skeleton of the  “Red Lady of Paviland“, which is actually a young man. From the main road, it’s a fair walk across fields via a marked footpath before the ground drops sharply and narrows into a steep rocky valley down to the beach. The slippery and difficult rocks look as if they have been melted and are splashed with colour from mosses and lichens and veins of different minerals coursing through them. I always take a sketchbook when I visit and I made this large monotype from one of my sketches.

Published by Rosie Scribblah

I'm an artist / printmaker / scribbler. I love drawing and all the geeky stuff associated with printmaking, working in a figurative style. I live in Wales with husband and demented cats. And my real name is Rose Davies :D

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