In These Stones…

A few years back, I worked with pre-historian Dewi Bowen and filmmaker Melvyn Williams on a series of drawings/paintings of ancient standing stones in South Wales. Stained-glass artist Deanne Mangold saw them and wanted to make some glass panels based on my originals. So she did. And now there’s enough to exhibit. Deanne and I,Continue reading “In These Stones…”

A Face In The Crowd.

Sometimes you see a face and you’ve just got to sketch it. This guy was at The Jexit gig at The White Lion in Aberdare last week, grooving to the band. A face full of character.

More Japanese JAM ….

Here’s another sketch from Aberdare last Friday on a cold Welsh Winter night with torrential rain. I’d gone to see a Japanese Jam cover band, The Jexit, perform at The White Lion, with my mate. It was a fantastic gig. The lead singer Yoshi Tokio had flown in from Japan a few days before but theContinue reading “More Japanese JAM ….”

A Japanese JAM Tribute Band in Aberdare.

My pal and I went up to Aberdare, proper up the Valleys, on a cold Friday night in torrential rain (luckily she was driving, not me) to see a Japanese Jam cover band, The Jexit, perform at the small but perfectly formed local pub The White Lion. Of course, I had to have a scribble.Continue reading “A Japanese JAM Tribute Band in Aberdare.”

The Union Banner.

Here’s the last sketch I did at the “Cost of Living Crisis” rally in Aberdare last weekend. The old church had beautifully made Union banners around the walls. The seating was very cramped so I couldn’t move around much to see and draw, but this lovely one, from the Welsh Fire Brigades Union, was nearContinue reading “The Union Banner.”

The Man Himself

Here’s another quick sketch from the “Cost of Living” rally I went to at the weekend in Aberdare. It was a bright and sunny, but freezing, day although the converted church venue was pretty warm and jam packed. There wasn’t much space for drawing and I had to get into all sorts of positions toContinue reading “The Man Himself”

Tightly Packed

I went up to Aberdare on Saturday to a “Cost of Living” rally where Mick Lynch, General Secretary of the RMT Union was one of the speakers. I did a warm-up sketch to get started, working with the cramped conditions, peeking between tightly-packed shoulders to get a look at the speakers at the front.