#StandingStoneSunday 2

Merlin’s Quoits / Meini Llwydion.

Here’s one of my many sketches from my travels with pre-historian Dewi Bowen and filmmaker Melvyn Williams about 6 years ago. We tracked many of the Neolithic and Bronze Age standing stones across South Wales as Dewi was researching for his new book. This was the very first of our outings and we visited two stones called Meini Llwydion / Merlin’s Quoits, near Llangain in Carmarthenshire. I drew en plein air with compressed charcoal onto a textured vintage handmade paper. I wasn’t sure back then how to approach drawing these wonderful artefacts …. this is how I began ….

The short film (one minute) which was made as a trailer for a solo exhibition of the work shows some of the hair raising predicaments I got myself into as we travelled across Wales…..

You can see the texture of the paper under the charcoal.

Raising Funds.

My family is raising money for Phil, a younger relative of mine, to have life-changing surgery in Spain. Phil is disabled by Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and the operation he needs isn’t currently available in the UK. I know times are hard, but if you’re able to spare a bob or two, please click here find out more or to donate a small amount to Phil’s crowdfunding campaign. Thank you xxx

Raising funds for Phil, bottom left, to have life-changing surgery xxx

Trying Out A Change

I’m having a go at new templates for my website so I’ll be changing them a few times over the next couple of weeks to see how I get on with them. If there’s one you really like, or dislike, please let me know . Thanks x

Published by Rosie Scribblah

I'm an artist / printmaker / scribbler. I love drawing and all the geeky stuff associated with printmaking, working in a figurative style. I live in Wales with husband and demented cats. And my real name is Rose Davies :D

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