More Japanese JAM ….

Here’s another sketch from Aberdare last Friday on a cold Welsh Winter night with torrential rain. I’d gone to see a Japanese Jam cover band, The Jexit, perform at The White Lion, with my mate. It was a fantastic gig. The lead singer Yoshi Tokio had flown in from Japan a few days before but theContinue reading “More Japanese JAM ….”

Pictures For An Exhibition.

I did a whole load of drawings at Crowleys Rock Bar in the Swansea Fringe back before Christmas and they’re going to be in an exhibition at another rock music venue, The Bunkhouse, in Swansea! Cool! The drawings are in my sketchbook which I don’t want to dismember, so I scanned and printed a selectionContinue reading “Pictures For An Exhibition.”

Swansea Fringe 11: Ria Plays In Black.

Here’s another sketch I did at Swansea Fringe the other week, of one of the musicians in the most excellent band, Ria Plays. She wore black, in a black venue on a black stage and I drew in the dark. I guess I’m a bit of a masochist when it come to my art 🙂Continue reading “Swansea Fringe 11: Ria Plays In Black.”

Swansea Fringe 6: Rock Foxes.

Here’s another sketch from the recent Swansea Fringe, where I cwtched into a corner of Crowleys Rock Bar and drew musicians for 3 nights. It’s not easy sketching bands, there are lots of people on stage and they tend to move around a lot. I have to make a decision who and what to drawContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 6: Rock Foxes.”

Swansea Fringe 2: Ria Plays.

I spent three evenings in rock heaven over the weekend, sketching musicians at Crowley’s Rock Bar for Swansea Fringe. It’s good discipline because you have to be quick to catch performers who, mostly, move around a lot. Although bass players are generally quite still, coolly delivering a killer bass line with hardly a flicker ofContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 2: Ria Plays.”