The Name Of The Stone …

I’ve been looking at Google maps recently, exploring the city online and finding interesting nooks and crannies. I knew about this Bronze Age stone in Bon-y-maen, to the North East of the city, and I have even visited and drawn it, but I never really gave much thought to the area around it. The nameContinue reading “The Name Of The Stone …”


It’s #StandingStoneSunday and here’s one I did earlier lol 😀 It’s a stone that lives in a small community on the North-East fringe of Swansea, in Bonymaen. The Welsh name of the area means the “base of the stone” and there’s a legend that it’s one end of a vast stone that travels under theContinue reading “#StandingStoneSunday”

#StandingStoneSunday 11.

It’s #StandingStoneSunday again on social media and here’s one in Swansea, in a suburb called Bonymaen. You can read more about it here. I drew it on my adventures with pre-historian Dewi Bowen and filmmaker Melvyn Williams a few years back, in the days before the Covid lockdown. All the megaliths on our travels are connectedContinue reading “#StandingStoneSunday 11.”