Pictures For An Exhibition.

I did a whole load of drawings at Crowleys Rock Bar in the Swansea Fringe back before Christmas and they’re going to be in an exhibition at another rock music venue, The Bunkhouse, in Swansea! Cool! The drawings are in my sketchbook which I don’t want to dismember, so I scanned and printed a selectionContinue reading “Pictures For An Exhibition.”

Tucked Away ….

I’ve got lots of photos of the sketches I do at gigs and out and about, but none of me actually drawing. So I asked Husb to take some. Here I am during the Swansea Fringe a few weeks ago, tucked away in corners. I really get in the zone.

Swansea Fringe 13: Two Til Twelve.

Sometimes when I’m sketching at a gig, the music influences me more than at other times, like when I did this one at the recent Swansea Fringe. The movements of the guitarist in Two Til Twelve and the music got me scribbling manically, more so than usual. I really got into the zone with myContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 13: Two Til Twelve.”

Swansea Fringe 12: Quick Scribbles.

These very quick sketches are from the first night I drew at this year’s Swansea Fringe, at Crowley’s Rock Bar. I find it’s good practice to rattle off some very quick scribbles at the beginning of a drawing session, to warm up. I suppose it’s like a singer doing scales in the dressing room orContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 12: Quick Scribbles.”

Swansea Fringe 11: Ria Plays In Black.

Here’s another sketch I did at Swansea Fringe the other week, of one of the musicians in the most excellent band, Ria Plays. She wore black, in a black venue on a black stage and I drew in the dark. I guess I’m a bit of a masochist when it come to my art 🙂Continue reading “Swansea Fringe 11: Ria Plays In Black.”

Swansea Fringe 10: The Red Drummer.

This guy had everything – tattoos, drums and red hair. Great to draw. Not easy though, because he’s a vigorous drummer and his arms were a blur most of the time. That’s a challenge for me, do I capture a split second in time, as I have here or do I use some technique toContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 10: The Red Drummer.”

Swansea Fringe 9: Another Drummer.

Here’s another Swansea Fringe sketch from last weekend’s after-party. Drummers are often shoved to the back and it’s hard to get a good line of sight to draw them, but “False Hope For The Savage” gave their drummer plenty of space – so much energy and a lot of fun to draw.

Swansea Fringe 8: False Hope For The Savage

As if I couldn’t get enough sketching at the Swansea Fringe the other weekend, I went back the following Friday to the Fringe after-party for some more rock and scribbling. Here’s local band False Hope For The Savage. They’re cool!

Swansea Fringe 7: Zed Motel.

Sometimes when I’m sketching, I’m not happy with the result I get with the materials I’m using. That happened with the singer of Zed Motel, a band at Crowleys Rock Bar during Swansea Fringe the other weekend. I liked the effect of the Inktense blocks that I used with a reservoir brush, but they wereContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 7: Zed Motel.”

Swansea Fringe 6: Rock Foxes.

Here’s another sketch from the recent Swansea Fringe, where I cwtched into a corner of Crowleys Rock Bar and drew musicians for 3 nights. It’s not easy sketching bands, there are lots of people on stage and they tend to move around a lot. I have to make a decision who and what to drawContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 6: Rock Foxes.”