This Seagull Got Stuffed.

Now, a lot of people in Swansea, and other places too, don’t like seagulls. I don’t particularly care for them myself to be honest, except when they zoom down and pinch someone’s burger in the street …. or poop on Husb’s head, which has happened many times 😀 But I like drawing them. This isContinue reading “This Seagull Got Stuffed.”

A View Of Kilvey / Cilfai.

I posted a few days ago about Kilvey Hill / Bryn Cilfai, the iconic landscape that looms over the city from wherever you look. When I was a kid, it was a bare, desolate industrial wasteland. In my lifetime it has been reclaimed by nature, with help from Swansea University and thousands of local adultsContinue reading “A View Of Kilvey / Cilfai.”

One From The Archives: Drawing On The Window.

Here’s a very large, almost life size, drawing I did 8 years ago of my young great-nephew. I stuck a roll of drafting paper to the inside of a large window at the front of Volcano on Swansea’s High Street and perched my nephew on a stool with my Smartphone to keep him occupied whileContinue reading “One From The Archives: Drawing On The Window.”

One From The Archives: Beautiful Head.

I’ve been thumbing through my portfolios again (there are stacks of them!) and came across this portrait sketch from 2016, I remember really enjoying drawing this model.

A Blast From The Past …

For many years, life drawing has underpinned my drawing practice. When I was in Swansea Art College, I was lucky enough to have been taught by the wonderful artist Glenys Cour. She imparted a love of life drawing that has lasted many decades. I’ve also been lucky enough to have worked with many wonderful models.Continue reading “A Blast From The Past …”

A Walk Up The Hill ….

Nephew and I went for a walk up Swansea’s Kilvey Hill / Bryn Cilfai Abertawe this afternoon to lend our support to the campaign to save this lovely nature reserve from insensitive commercial development (more information here). Around 300 people and quite a few dogs and horses made the trek to the summit where thereContinue reading “A Walk Up The Hill ….”

Storm Damage: The Covid Archives 2.

About a week before the first Covid19 Lockdown began in Wales, Husb and I took a walk down to the West Pier at the mouth of the River Tawe – Abertawe in Welsh and also the indigenous name of Swansea. It had recently been wrecked in a ferocious storm so of course, I had toContinue reading “Storm Damage: The Covid Archives 2.”