
It’s #Caturday Saturday and here’s a blast from the past. Sparta Puss from 10 years ago, drawn in pen into a small sketchbook. She’s sitting on an old glass-fronted cabinet that Husb and I rescued from the street. There’s a cyanotype I did of Husb on her left.

Orange #Caturday.

It’s Saturday #Caturday and here’s a blast from the past, a little reduction linocut of Sparta Puss when she was a kitten, dating from 2010. She’s looking a bit cross, as usual.

#Caturday: The Golden One.

It’s #Caturday Saturday once again and I’ve been playing with a picture of Sparta Puss in Adobe Photoshop. I put the photo through a Coloured Pencil filter and then cranked up the Saturation to create this golden effect.

#Caturday …

It’s #Caturday / Saturday again and here she is, Sparta Puss, lounging on a comfy blanket surrounded by cushions. What a life! I put the image through Adobe Photoshop using a Watercolour filter.

#Caturday Archives 18

It’s #Caturday Saturday again and here’s a drawing from my sketch archives, I guess about 7 or 8 years ago. I had a very comfy Ikea Poang chair at the time but Sparta Puss liked it as much as I did. Guess who won out on this particular evening? I drew into my sketchbook withContinue reading “#Caturday Archives 18”

Kitty Print Experiments.

I’m experimenting with making my own stamps from Toyobo photopolymer letterpress plates. I had a try the other week with a different make, which didn’t turn out as well as I’d hoped, but this material is much better, much crisper with more detail. I tried out three exposure and three curing times and then printedContinue reading “Kitty Print Experiments.”

#Caturday Archives 17

It’s #Caturday Saturday again and here’s a blast from the past, Sparta Puss back in 2016. She has a range of expressions but this sulky, slightly annoyed one is a favourite of hers.

#Caturday Archives 16

It’s #Caturday Saturday once again and here’s a drawing from ages ago when I was still using Faber Castell Pitt drawing pens. I don’t really know why I stopped, I generally use ballpoint pen now in my sketchbooks. I was chilling one evening with Sparta Puss stretched out on my lap, wearing some snazzy leggingsContinue reading “#Caturday Archives 16”

#Caturday Archives 11.

It’s Saturday #Caturday again and here are some kitty drawings from my sketchbook archives. Sparta Puss was dozing on top of the boiler in the kitchen in front of the window. It’s Spring and the amelanchier tree in the background is blooming and the washing is being dried with solar power.