Awkward Little Object

So it’s now day 7 of the 40 Day Drawing Challenge organised by Green Olive Press in Morocco and I’m working my way through individual objects to draw still-life studies. Today’s was an awkward little thing, a small marble pestle and mortar that I bought in Pakistan about 3 years ago when I was onContinue reading “Awkward Little Object”

New Old Thing

Day 5 of the 40 Day Drawing Challenge and I scribbled this little ceramic mustard pot that I picked up for a £1 in a second-hand shop earlier this week. I drew this on my Samsung Galaxy Note 8 tablet with a basic free app called Markers. I saved the drawing several times as I went alongContinue reading “New Old Thing”


Day 3 of the 40 Day Drawing Challenge set by Green Olive Press in Morocco and today I’m going fruity with a ripe pomegranate. I rarely draw still life so I’m using the Challenge to practice, one object at a time and working up to a large composition by the end. I’m taking inspiration from other artists whoContinue reading “Fruity”

A Wonky Stripey Teapot

It’s day 2 of the 40 Day Drawing Challenge set by Green Olive Press in Morocco and I’m taking the opportunity to draw still life. It isn’t my strongest point so I’m using the Challenge to get in some practice. I’m starting off with one object at a time so that hopefully by the end, I will beContinue reading “A Wonky Stripey Teapot”

My Weakest Link

I’m taking part in the 40 Day Drawing Challenge set by Green Olive Press in Morocco – isn’t the Internet a wonderful thing, it’s so easy to send stuff around the world instantly. I decided to take the opportunity to push myself right out of my comfort zone and draw objects. I envy artists whoContinue reading “My Weakest Link”

Ahead. A Head.

Here’s the second drawing I did at last night’s life drawing session at Swansea Print Workshop. I used my Samsung Galaxy Note 8 tablet and drew with a basic free app called Markers. I uploaded a digital image of an abstract drawing I did a few weeks ago as the background and built up theContinue reading “Ahead. A Head.”

Now To Bed……

Just back from life drawing at Swansea Print Workshop where I worked onto my Samsung Galaxy Note 8 tablet with a free Markers app. We were working with an older male model this week, and I wanted to do a quick, free sketch of him and take time to play with drawing his surroundings. IContinue reading “Now To Bed……”

When The Postman Knocked

For a few years now, I’ve entered the Leftovers international miniature print exchange, organised by the lovely printmakers at Wingtip Press, Boise, Idaho, USA. Printmakers from all over the world send an edition of 14 tiny original prints, done on pieces of leftover paper, and in return twelve are selected at random and sent back,Continue reading “When The Postman Knocked”

Culture Vulture

Just back from a culture vulture evening, with the opening of two exhibitions, at Galerie Simpson and Volcano and the monthly Storytelling at Tapestri. Swansea is buzzing with arty shenanigans tonight. Of course, I had to have a bit of a scribble …….     I have put my series of drawings of ancient WelshContinue reading “Culture Vulture”

Scribbling Over And Saving Money

Just back from life drawing at Swansea Print Workshop. I can usually only manage to get there for the second half, 8.30 – 9.30 pm when we have one full-hour pose. I drew with white, sanguine and black conté crayons onto brown wrapping paper, it’s about A2 in size. I did a few quick warmupContinue reading “Scribbling Over And Saving Money”