Rhythms In The Garden ….

Every year, a chum holds a garden party on her birthday. Her organic garden is fantastic, hewn from a steep and uncompromising hillside, every inch of ground packed with exquisite flora. No flashy architectural hard landscaping, no astroturf, just the outcome of years of hard work and a great love of plants. I don’t findContinue reading “Rhythms In The Garden ….”

Inspired By The Dinner Party: Hatshepsut

I’ve hit a creative block! It happens. I’ve found that a useful way to deal with it is to do some technical exercises in my sketchbooks until I’m unblocked. I was having a bit of a reminisce and remembered going to see Judy Chicago’s Dinner Party in London way back when. I can’t remember whereContinue reading “Inspired By The Dinner Party: Hatshepsut”

More From The Annual Cockling.

A couple of very quick little sketches from the annual labyrinth maintenance at Rosehill Quarry. I had to work quickly because people moved fast. Very good practice though

The Annual Cockling.

Back in 1987 a Labyrinth was cut into the turf in Swansea’s Rosehill Quarry, a unique urban wildlife park. It was installed by Bob Shaw and local author and pre-historian Dewi Bowen. It’s based on an ancient Cretan design and the incised path is filled with crushed cockle shells that are a by-product of the localContinue reading “The Annual Cockling.”

Playing Around 1

I had a bit of a play today, with Derwent Inktense blocks onto Khadi handmade paper. Just playing around, not trying to do anything recognisable, seeing what the materials can do. I might try and do this every day ….