The Guitarist …

Husb and I went to a gig on Saturday, but more of that another day. I had to have a scribble, of course, and I spotted this young guitarist who had a really unusual look, so I sketched her.

Rhythms In The Garden ….

Every year, a chum holds a garden party on her birthday. Her organic garden is fantastic, hewn from a steep and uncompromising hillside, every inch of ground packed with exquisite flora. No flashy architectural hard landscaping, no astroturf, just the outcome of years of hard work and a great love of plants. I don’t findContinue reading “Rhythms In The Garden ….”

A View Of Kilvey / Cilfai.

I posted a few days ago about Kilvey Hill / Bryn Cilfai, the iconic landscape that looms over the city from wherever you look. When I was a kid, it was a bare, desolate industrial wasteland. In my lifetime it has been reclaimed by nature, with help from Swansea University and thousands of local adultsContinue reading “A View Of Kilvey / Cilfai.”

A Walk Up The Hill ….

Nephew and I went for a walk up Swansea’s Kilvey Hill / Bryn Cilfai Abertawe this afternoon to lend our support to the campaign to save this lovely nature reserve from insensitive commercial development (more information here). Around 300 people and quite a few dogs and horses made the trek to the summit where thereContinue reading “A Walk Up The Hill ….”

Cochyn / Redhead.

Husb and I went to a Seed Talk called “The Science of Psychedelics” by Dr. David Luke at Swansea University yesterday evening. There was a woman in the row in front of me with the most amazing red hair, Cochyn in Welsh, so of course I had to have a scribble. I used my (relatively)Continue reading “Cochyn / Redhead.”

Swansea Fringe 2023: Rock Foxes 2.

Some more sketches the very loud and very entertaining punk band Rock Foxes at the Swansea Fringe last weekend at Crowley’s Rock Bar. There’s some terrific banter between the band members. When I’m speed sketching, there’s usually only enough time to get an impression of what’s before me, especially with rock bands who tend to be moving aContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 2023: Rock Foxes 2.”

Swansea Fringe 2023: Rock Foxes 1

Here are a couple of sketches of the punk band Rock Foxes at the Swansea Fringe last weekend at Crowley’s Rock Bar. I did this with Derwent Inktense blocks and a reservoir water brush into my Khadi sketchbook. I put too much water onto the paper and my lines ran but I like it. The quickContinue reading “Swansea Fringe 2023: Rock Foxes 1”

Drawing More Darkness In The Darkness

Here’s another drawing in the dark I did last weekend at a small arts festival, “Kilvey Ole”, I went to on one of Swansea’s hillsides. It was very dark there so I could hardly see the paper or the marks I was making. But also, the people and things I was drawing were in darknessContinue reading “Drawing More Darkness In The Darkness”

Drawing Darkness In The Darkness

Husb and I went to a mini-festival on one of the city’s hills last weekend. It was very dark and we wandered in and out of small barns listening to music and poetry. I had a go drawing the darkness in the darkness. I couldn’t see the paper I was drawing on so had noContinue reading “Drawing Darkness In The Darkness”