An Urban Screenprint Reflected.

I was strolling along Princess Way in Swansea last evening and saw this gorgeous reflection of Saint Mary’s Church and some trees in the glass frontage of a building. I took a photo and today I uploaded it into Adobe Photoshop, cropped it and shoved it into a “Cutout” filter. I like it, it hasContinue reading “An Urban Screenprint Reflected.”

A Green Man In The City.

Husb and I popped along to an event in Swansea’s City Centre on Saturday, drawing attention to the proposed Skyline development on Kilvey Hill, which is a much loved and valuable nature reserve reclaimed from industrial pollution. This Green Man turned up. He was very tall. And leafy. When I was little, the hill wasContinue reading “A Green Man In The City.”

Kitty Print Experiments.

I’m experimenting with making my own stamps from Toyobo photopolymer letterpress plates. I had a try the other week with a different make, which didn’t turn out as well as I’d hoped, but this material is much better, much crisper with more detail. I tried out three exposure and three curing times and then printedContinue reading “Kitty Print Experiments.”

#Caturday – Black and White.

It’s #Caturday / Saturday again and here’s the little fluffy tyrant, Sparta Puss, photographed, scanned, uploaded into Adobe Photoshop and put through the Threshold adjustment to turn her into a stark black and white image. There’s a reason I was doing this – more to come on that …..

#Caturday – Another Filter.

It’s #Caturday / Saturday again and here’s a photo of a much younger Sparta Puss that I’ve put through Adobe Photoshop’s Palette Knife filter. She’s always been a cutie.

#Caturday – Two Little Kitties

It’s #Caturday Saturday again and here’s a picture from nine years ago, before Sparta Puss became an only cat. The little fluff ball on the right is the late, great Little Ming, a one-eyed Naughty Tortie rescue cat with heaps of Tortitude. Ming died about 4 years ago, at a ripe old age. I’ve putContinue reading “#Caturday – Two Little Kitties”

#Caturday – A Happy Accident.

It’s Saturday #Caturday again! Sparta Puss jumped onto the table opposite me the other day and sat in front of a vase of tulips I treated myself to. They’re in that falling-over stage and when she sat down, she was framed beautifully by their purple flowers in front of olive green curtains. A happy accident.Continue reading “#Caturday – A Happy Accident.”

Playing With Drawings #5

I’m playing around with Adobe Photoshop and some of the charcoal drawings I did back in the early days of lockdown in 2020, when we just had an hour a day out of our houses. Back then, the drawings looked quite grim to me, in stark black and white on heavy textured Khadi paper, whichContinue reading “Playing With Drawings #5”

Playing With Drawings #4

I’m playing with Adobe Photoshop (Gradient Map) and some of the charcoal drawings I did during the first lockdown 2 years ago. The originals are in black and white using charcoal into a Khadi sketchbook. They were done one by one on the daily walk that Husb and I took through city parks when weContinue reading “Playing With Drawings #4”

Like Chalk And Cheese.

Here are the last couple of sketches from the gig Husb and I were at last weekend, in Hippos. People have different ways of listening to music, these two were like chalk and cheese. The gigger on the left was very focused and concentrated on the music, the gigger on the right was going aContinue reading “Like Chalk And Cheese.”