Stone Sculptures At Maen Ceti

I did some sketching en plein air today at Cefn Bryn on the Gower Peninsula. The main attraction has always been Maen Ceti (Arthur’s Stone), but recently a nearby cairn has been getting more attention with people making stone tower sculptures on it. Husb decided to build one and I drew him. I used black,Continue reading “Stone Sculptures At Maen Ceti”

Old School Panorama

And here’s the third drawing I did from Cefn Bryn en plein air last week, while I was tramping the Neolithic and Bronze Age landscape of The Gower Peninsula with prehistorian Dewi Bowen and filmmaker Melvyn Williams. The three drawings form a panoramic view, which is how they were done before digital cameras and smartphones.Continue reading “Old School Panorama”


Here’s another of my recent sketches en plein air in the ancient Neolithic / Bronze Age landscape across South Wales. Most of the drawings I’ve done on my travels over the last year or so have been quite large, but last week it was so windy that I decided to work into my A4 brownContinue reading “Windy”


I’m back to tramping the countryside again, drawing en plein air with prehistorian Dewi Bowen and filmmaker Melvyn Williams, studying megaliths in South Wales. We’re focusing on The Gower Peninsula at the moment and our first stop was Cefn Bryn, not to look at the magnificent Arthur’s Stone / Maen Ceti, which we did aContinue reading “Tramping!”

Ripped Abstraction

Another drawing en plein air from the summit of one of the ruined cairns of Carmel. It was precarious climbing to the top, the stones are uneven, unbalanced and wobbly and I tottered with my drawing materials in a high wind. We start off at the bottom of a hill in fine sunshine but theContinue reading “Ripped Abstraction”

The Ripped Land

Walking and working with prehistorian Dewi Bowen and filmmaker Melvyn Williams on a series of drawings of Neolithic and Bronze Age stone monuments, we fetched up on a hilltop near Llanfihangel Aberbythych, not far from Carmel in Carmarthenshire where there are the remains of three stone cairns, unfortunately badly mutilated by years of quarrying. Now,Continue reading “The Ripped Land”

The Giant

I went out drawing up the mountains in the Carreg Cennen area, at Tair Carn Isaf (The Three Lower Cairns). The area is covered in cairns, skipping over the countryside along rocky outcrops arranged like a spine across the landscape. In the distance is a rounded hill – I think it’s called Tri Grug –Continue reading “The Giant”