Fun With Skulls!

I run regular adult education sessions and this week I was demonstrating collage using a line drawing of a skull and a copy of National Geographic. The eyes are by Picasso, the nose by the Hubble Space Telescope and the rest are from an exhibition of dead stuffed birds. When it’s finished I’ll coat itContinue reading “Fun With Skulls!”

Grym : Power.

The rough hewn cut-marks gouged into the lino form cloisons that enclose shiny jewels of metallic watercolours. The block is printed in the deepest black oil-based ink onto a Japanese HoSho paper and when dry, watercolour paints are applied with the finest Isabey squirrel brushes. I’ve been working on a collaborative project with the multi-disciplinaryContinue reading “Grym : Power.”


I’ve been working on a collaborative project with the awesome Welsh rapper and multi-disciplinary artist RUFUS MUFASA  and nine other women artists in Wales – ANGELA KARADOG, HANNAH HITCHINS, RHIAN ANDERSON, FRANCESCA KAY, HELEN MALIA, KARLA BRADING, ELIN REES, VIVIAN RHULE, LYNNE BEBB and me, ROSIE SCRIBBLAH. Our work is going to be exhibited in SwanseaContinue reading “Collaboration!”

Faking It (Again)

A few weeks into the first Covid19 Lockdown in the Spring of 2020, the artist Ed Sumner started the “Cheese and Wine Painting Club” every Friday afternoon on Facebook Live. It was open to anyone, from anywhere, all ages, free for those who couldn’t afford to make a donation, and over the long months ofContinue reading “Faking It (Again)”

Metallic Bits …

I’ve been working on a typographic linocut recently, a collaboration with the awesome Welsh rapper and multi-disciplinary artist Rufus Mufasa and nine other women artists in Wales . She’s about to release her new bilingual album Tri(ger) Warning(s), which has been steered by a number of key Welsh language words. Each artist has chosen oneContinue reading “Metallic Bits …”

Plygain Scribbles.

Husb and I went to a Plygain this evening, a traditional Welsh Xmas celebration. Well, okay, it’s a bit late for Xmas, but the Blackbird choir, Cór Aderyn Du, had a hectic itinerary at Christmastide. I drew some of the choristers as they sang, it was interesting to sketch the contorted faces. The Plygain alsoContinue reading “Plygain Scribbles.”

Smiling And Splendid Women.

I’m still trying out some ideas for my next artwork, which I’m basing on the South Wales Miner’s Wives in the Miner’s Strike of 1984 / 1985. I’m taking inspiration from a documentary video made at the time by the late Professor Jen Wilson. The film is on YouTube and although a bit clunky byContinue reading “Smiling And Splendid Women.”

Brand New …..

…PAINTS!!!!!! I love unwrapping things! I bought these months ago but decided not to open them until I needed to ….. and that was today. Look at the lovely packaging/ I’m going to tease you and not let you see these luscious little beauties in all their glory until tomorrow. Mwahahahahaha 😀 😀 😀

Storm Damage: The Covid Archives 2.

About a week before the first Covid19 Lockdown began in Wales, Husb and I took a walk down to the West Pier at the mouth of the River Tawe – Abertawe in Welsh and also the indigenous name of Swansea. It had recently been wrecked in a ferocious storm so of course, I had toContinue reading “Storm Damage: The Covid Archives 2.”

#Caturday Archive: Lockdown Sketch.

It’s almost 4 years since the Covid19 Lockdown began. I did quite a lot of artwork, although not the things I had planned to do. Most of my work for the 18 months of lockdown was quite light, in contrast to the grimness of the pandemic. On #Caturday Saturday, here’s Sparta Puss enjoying a snoozeContinue reading “#Caturday Archive: Lockdown Sketch.”