Springtime In The Garden…

We’ve had a couple of fine Spring days so I jumped at the chance to get into the garden and do some tidying up. It’s joyous being there. It’s only a little city-centre patch but Husb and I have crammed as much as we can into it. My seasonal favourites are the Hellebores, Primulas andContinue reading “Springtime In The Garden…”

Rhubarb Rhubarb Rhubarb…

I love growing it. Not so keen on eating it, I like the taste but it really doesn’t like me. It is a laxative. I love cooking with rhubarb though and my garden plants are so prolific that I’ve tried out many recipes. Here’s a drawing I did some years ago and here’s a photoContinue reading “Rhubarb Rhubarb Rhubarb…”

Drawing Darkness In The Darkness

Husb and I went to a mini-festival on one of the city’s hills last weekend. It was very dark and we wandered in and out of small barns listening to music and poetry. I had a go drawing the darkness in the darkness. I couldn’t see the paper I was drawing on so had noContinue reading “Drawing Darkness In The Darkness”

Survival Kicking In

I seem to have gone into some weird default setting, a deep seated survival instinct. I’ve been wondering why I’m finding it so hard to do any art at the moment – surely the greatest crisis within living memory would kickstart some creative ideas? But no. Instead I’m digging my allotment, planting seeds, picking crops,Continue reading “Survival Kicking In”

Growing and Baking

Husb and I are taking advantage of the enforced national lockdown to spend time on our allotment – it’s one of the few places that has been sanctioned. It’s great, we can drive there and avoid people and it’s so huge that it’s easy to remain isolated. We’re practicing the enhanced hygeine and getting soContinue reading “Growing and Baking”

Rhubarb And Beansprouts

Today started weirdly. I’ve been pretty gung-ho about the coronavirus so far but when I got up this morning (I didn’t want to get up) I stayed in my pyjamas for ages and comfort ate from a huge bag of salt and vinegar crisps. But then I pulled myself out of it and got stuckContinue reading “Rhubarb And Beansprouts”


I picked the first rhubarb of the season yesterday. It’s the earliest I’ve ever picked it, it’s out in the open garden, I don’t force my rhubarb to bring it on early. I guess it’s the relatively warm and wet winter we’ve had. I did a drawing eight years ago just as the rhubarb wasContinue reading “Rhubarb!”

A Walk On The Beach

Went for a walk on the beach, Swansea Bay, earlier today. Husb took off to do a run and I sat and scribbled into my A4 brown paper sketchbook from Seawhite’s of Brighton. I used black, sanguine and white conté crayons.  There isn’t a huge amount to draw on the beach and I’ve found thatContinue reading “A Walk On The Beach”

Baseball Bat And Chips

Husb and I took a road trip up some of the South Wales valleys today, calling in at the new Studio 18 gallery in Pontycymer owned by artist Kevin Sinnott, a fabulous artspace filled with gorgeous art; paintings, etchings, drawings, well worth a visit. Then over the mountain to The Workers Gallery in Ynyshir toContinue reading “Baseball Bat And Chips”

In Praise Of Rhubarb

It’s rhubarb season and I made the first rhubarb crumble of the year a few days ago. It’s Husb’s favourite crumble and didn’t last long. It’s been around in Europe since the 14th century and it’s popular in gardens and allotments as well as being grown commercially where it’s often forced, especially in the RhubarbContinue reading “In Praise Of Rhubarb”