Foggy And Hangliding

Husb and I met up with some friends today for a good walk down at Rhossili, one of the most beautiful beaches in the world and a short drive from where we live. I took a brown paper sketchbook and some conté crayons to have a bit of a scribble. It was windy, cold andContinue reading “Foggy And Hangliding”

Collage En Plein Air

Husb and I went for a walk down to Foxhole Bay on the Gower Peninsula today, partly to get some exercise and also to get some art work done en plein air. The land and sea are very rugged and I decided not to draw but to do some collage using papers I prepared quiteContinue reading “Collage En Plein Air”

Does Anyone Say Biro Anymore?

Husb and I were out and about today, doing some shopping for art supplies at The Range and we stopped for a cuppa. I spotted this woman across the cafe, absorbed in reading and thought I’d have a quick scribble, en plein air,  into my very small sketchbook, about 5 inches by 3.5 using aContinue reading “Does Anyone Say Biro Anymore?”

Upstairs Downstairs

Called into Waterstones bookshop café today, it’s one of my favourite places for sketching en plein air because it’s upstairs with large windows overlooking the busy street which has a couple of benches often full of busy shoppers taking a rest. So I spy on them and draw them while I’m having a cuppa.  

In At The Start

So I’m thinking of doing some more large woodcuts in the new year, inspired by my drawings of the Mari Lwyd and Neolithic stone monuments in South Wales. I’ve done a lot of work on both of these so there’s plenty to inform anything I do. I begin by making little thumbnail sketches, lots ofContinue reading “In At The Start”

A Snippet

I posted a tiny bit of some work I started yesterday and today I took it a stage further. Here’s a little snippet of it but it’s secret at the moment so I can’t say anymore.   Meanwhile, tomorrow …….


I’ve been working flat out on something secret. That’s all I can say but I’ll let you see a tiny snippet of one of my working drawings. This work won’t come to fruition for another year or so and I’m so excited about it. Watch this space…….   But in the meanwhile, coming up veryContinue reading “Sshhh!!!!”

Two Birds With One Stone

  I managed to kill two birds with one stone this evening, simultaneously doing a sketch for tonight’s blog and reaching Number 94 out of my target of drawing 100 Baby Boomers. Husb and I went to Swansea Storytelling Club and I scribbled while listening to artist and performer David Pitt. David and I haveContinue reading “Two Birds With One Stone”

Mahoosive Manhole

Some manholes are much bigger than others, big enough to get a man down a hole. Here’s one printed by The Plebeian Printmakers the other weekend at the Gwyl Troublemakers Festival. You can get an idea of it’s size by looking at my ridiculous Bagpuss slippers at the bottom.     And coming soon toContinue reading “Mahoosive Manhole”

Medieval Manhole

Some manholes are not manholes at all. They’re too small to get a man down. While I was doing some public printmaking with The Plebeian Printmakers a couple of weekends ago, we saw all sorts of manhole covers, big and small and this lovely one was one of the smallest. We were puzzled by itContinue reading “Medieval Manhole”