Reflections In The Old Guildhall.

Husb and I were having a stroll on one of the few sunny days so far this year. I took this photo of reflections in the windows of the historic Old Guildhall in Swansea. It’s pre-Victorian and after the New Guildhall was built in the 1930s it became a school and changed again towards theContinue reading “Reflections In The Old Guildhall.”

This Seagull Got Stuffed.

Now, a lot of people in Swansea, and other places too, don’t like seagulls. I don’t particularly care for them myself to be honest, except when they zoom down and pinch someone’s burger in the street …. or poop on Husb’s head, which has happened many times 😀 But I like drawing them. This isContinue reading “This Seagull Got Stuffed.”

Nature’s Opportunists

They get everywhere, seagulls. Here they are hanging out on chimneys in the Waun Wen area of the city. There are no gulls officially called seagulls, and the ones that gang up on people around the city are usually herring gulls. These ones weren’t doing much, but come bin collection day, they’ll be ripping openContinue reading “Nature’s Opportunists”

Four Seagull On Four Rooftops

Walking around Waun Wen on Sunday, stopping and scribbling, I noticed these four seagulls on four rooftops in a row, stepping steeply down the hilly street of Rockland Terrace. A Chance To Own One Of My Artworks I have some small screenprints for sale, inspired by my drawings of the antique taxidermy collection at SwanseaContinue reading “Four Seagull On Four Rooftops”

The Fat Seagull

I’ve been going out sketching silently for the past 4 Sundays, around the Waun Wen area of Swansea. Just little quiet scribbles, carrying my sketchbook through the streets, working en plein air. I like looking up, as many people don’t and they miss so much. I’m noticing so many details I hadn’t before. On theContinue reading “The Fat Seagull”

Pollution And The Seagull

  I spent the morning at Swansea Print Workshop – we are doing a very limited re-opening now that the Covid19 restrictions are relaxing. I want to finish an edition of screenprints I made from a drawing of a stuffed seagull back last Autumn. I printed a load of seagulls on newsprint while I wasContinue reading “Pollution And The Seagull”

Scribbling, Shouting And Low Flying Seagulls

Queueing outside shops gives me time and opportunity to have a quick scribble in my little sketchbook that goes everywhere with me. I think it’s important to sketch, it doesn’t have to be a fabulous work of art, just a quick scribble to keep practicing. I saw this lady walking along the other side ofContinue reading “Scribbling, Shouting And Low Flying Seagulls”

The Scourge Of The City

I did this drawing of a seagull a couple of weeks ago at Swansea Museum from a stuffed seagull in the Museum’s stores. I think it’s a herring gull (but I’m not sure). If it is, then it’s on the conservation danger list, which surprises me because there are thousands of them around here. They’reContinue reading “The Scourge Of The City”

Bling, Seagull And Iconic Chair

Day 2 at The Bagpuss Window, the newest arty shenanigans in Swansea’s High Street. Fellow artist Melanie Ezra and I have opened a temporary pop-up artspace in an old shop due for demolition (thanks Coastal Housing group for the loan). The idea of The Bagpuss Window is that we, along with any other artists who dropContinue reading “Bling, Seagull And Iconic Chair”