Let’s Get Ready To Crumble!

Had a very domestic day today, first babysitting a family toddler – a small, cute, adorable maniac. Then I made an allotment crumble with Bramley apples, raspberries and wild strawberries. It didn’t last long – when it comes to crumble, Husb takes no prisoners!     A Chance To Own One Of My Artworks IContinue reading “Let’s Get Ready To Crumble!”

The Old Yew And Rhubarb Crumble

Husb and I are still following our lockdown exercise routine most days, even though the restrictions are much more easy going now. It’s a good system that’s kept us going for the past four months so we might as well keep it up. I stopped to do a charcoal sketch into my Khadi sketchbook ofContinue reading “The Old Yew And Rhubarb Crumble”

Funny Old Day With Plums

It’s been a funny old day. Quite busy with work, then sorting out my vegetable plants, redesigning my computer station so that I can work standing up, Tai Chi followed by a cold shower with a nod to Wim Hof, the car died and got towed away for scrap, my first reflexology treatment for fourContinue reading “Funny Old Day With Plums”

Just Five Minutes

If you’ve only got five minutes, draw. Even when you’re so short of time, draw. It only takes a few minutes every day to keep up that regular practice and it all adds up over a year, decade, lifetime. I only had five minutes this evening after we left the allotment with our first summerContinue reading “Just Five Minutes”

Potager, Leftovers, Castle. In That Order

Hot hot hot today! It was too good to stay indoors and we’re lucky to have an enclosed garden so I spent most of the day working on it. It’s the silver lining in the lockdown, having time to do stuff like this. The garden was really scruffy and overgrown after the very wet andContinue reading “Potager, Leftovers, Castle. In That Order”

Clean Green Space

We’ve just had our letter from the local council giving us permission to go to our allotment during the lockdown. We’re so lucky. We’ve had the plot about 12 years and it’s not been easy – a very heavy clay soil, surrounded by woodland. A few times we’ve considered giving up but I’m so gladContinue reading “Clean Green Space”

Survival Kicking In

I seem to have gone into some weird default setting, a deep seated survival instinct. I’ve been wondering why I’m finding it so hard to do any art at the moment – surely the greatest crisis within living memory would kickstart some creative ideas? But no. Instead I’m digging my allotment, planting seeds, picking crops,Continue reading “Survival Kicking In”

Growing and Baking

Husb and I are taking advantage of the enforced national lockdown to spend time on our allotment – it’s one of the few places that has been sanctioned. It’s great, we can drive there and avoid people and it’s so huge that it’s easy to remain isolated. We’re practicing the enhanced hygeine and getting soContinue reading “Growing and Baking”

Cooking Game Of Thrones Style

Day two of lockdown and I turned into a psycho cook, channelling Game of Thrones with a butternut squash ……. Hack a squash in half with a big dagger. Lay them side by side on a metal tray and roast them in a furnace until you can squeeze their flesh easily. Flay and dismember twoContinue reading “Cooking Game Of Thrones Style”

Rhubarb And Beansprouts

Today started weirdly. I’ve been pretty gung-ho about the coronavirus so far but when I got up this morning (I didn’t want to get up) I stayed in my pyjamas for ages and comfort ate from a huge bag of salt and vinegar crisps. But then I pulled myself out of it and got stuckContinue reading “Rhubarb And Beansprouts”