One From The Archives ….

One of my favourite places is Paviland, a strange otherworldly cove on the coast of the Gower Peninsula which is the site of the Goat’s Hole Cave, famous for the skeleton of the  “Red Lady of Paviland“, which is actually a young man. From the main road, it’s a fair walk across fields via aContinue reading “One From The Archives ….”


It’s #StandingStoneSunday and here’s one I did earlier lol 😀 It’s a stone that lives in a small community on the North-East fringe of Swansea, in Bonymaen. The Welsh name of the area means the “base of the stone” and there’s a legend that it’s one end of a vast stone that travels under theContinue reading “#StandingStoneSunday”


It’s Standing Stone Sunday on social media again and I’ve chosen a strange little drawing I did of a relatively local monument, Maen Ceti (Arthur’s Stone) at Cefn Bryn on the Gower Peninsula. It’s a huge magnificent megalith in beautiful countryside and it’s easy to get distracted and concentrate on the surroundings when I’m drawingContinue reading “#StandingStoneSunday.”

Playing Around.

I take my art very seriously and I rarely relax and play around with it. I’m trying to be a bit freer, so this evening I had a play with a charcoal drawing I did way back in early lockdown – seems like so long ago now. I uploaded the drawing into Adobe Photoshop andContinue reading “Playing Around.”

Stone Sculptures At Maen Ceti

I did some sketching en plein air today at Cefn Bryn on the Gower Peninsula. The main attraction has always been Maen Ceti (Arthur’s Stone), but recently a nearby cairn has been getting more attention with people making stone tower sculptures on it. Husb decided to build one and I drew him. I used black,Continue reading “Stone Sculptures At Maen Ceti”

Foggy And Hangliding

Husb and I met up with some friends today for a good walk down at Rhossili, one of the most beautiful beaches in the world and a short drive from where we live. I took a brown paper sketchbook and some conté crayons to have a bit of a scribble. It was windy, cold andContinue reading “Foggy And Hangliding”

Collage En Plein Air

Husb and I went for a walk down to Foxhole Bay on the Gower Peninsula today, partly to get some exercise and also to get some art work done en plein air. The land and sea are very rugged and I decided not to draw but to do some collage using papers I prepared quiteContinue reading “Collage En Plein Air”

Cockle Shells And A Labyrinth

Thirty one years ago I was working on a local environmental programme, The Rosehill Quarry Project, a community-led scheme to clear and renovate an old quarry near the city centre and turn it into a nature reserve and leisure area for local people. One of the things we did was to work with Welsh prehistorian,Continue reading “Cockle Shells And A Labyrinth”

The Melted Rocks

One of my favourite places is Paviland, a strange otherworldly cove on the coast of the Gower Peninsula which is the site of the Goat’s Hole Cave, famous for the skeleton of the  “Red Lady of Paviland“, which is actually a young man. From the main road, it’s a fair walk across fields via aContinue reading “The Melted Rocks”

A Last Little Quickie

And here’s the last of the very quick watercolour sketches I made recently, sitting in the sunshine on the clifftop in Southgate overlooking the sea. I concentrated on capturing the flow of the colours before me, rather than recording details. I’ve never been particularly into land / seascape art so I don’t have any hardContinue reading “A Last Little Quickie”