Life Imitates Art.

Husb and I were having a picnic the other day on the banks of the River Tawe, opposite a newly built office block and we spotted these 2 pigeons on the edge, in front of the reflections of the building. It didn’t look real, the reflections seem like a very lovely piece of graphic designContinue reading “Life Imitates Art.”

A Slice Of Time

This screenprint represents a very specific slice of time. Some years ago, there was a Woolworths store opposite the Waterstones bookshop in Swansea. I used to sit in the window of the bookshop cafe up on the first floor, with a pot of tea, and scribble the pigeons that sat on the Woolworths signage opposite.Continue reading “A Slice Of Time”

On The Move

Husb and I went to the gathering in support of refugees in the centre of Swansea this afternoon. There was a good turnout and I took the opportunity to have a few scribbles. Drawing in crowds is hard; people don’t stay still. You fix on one figure as your starting point but before you finish,Continue reading “On The Move”

Maltese Cats Revisited

Revisiting My Sketchbook I’ve been looking through some of my old blog posts, there are over 3,000 of them, and it’s hard to remember all the artwork I’ve posted. Here’s one from just after Husb and I came back from a  short holiday in Malta, a gorgeous place, full of cats. I put some watercolourContinue reading “Maltese Cats Revisited”

Blue Birds

I carried on with my cyanotype experiments. I have always used an ultraviolet unit to expose them in the past, which takes about 6 minutes. I wanted to see if I could expose them with natural light so I sandwiched two negatives between pieces of chemically treated paper and a sheet of glass and leftContinue reading “Blue Birds”

Pompidou Pigeons

Husb and I spent the whole day at the Pompidou Centre. What an amazing place. We sat awhile on one of the roof terraces, looking at the views over the rooftops and I had a bit of a scribble. I wanted to draw the pigeons but the statues and the building sort of took over.Continue reading “Pompidou Pigeons”

Early Bird

Just got back from our visit to the seaside near Brighton, a six hour drive, and time for a quick blog. This is a pigeon that was snaffling wild bird seed from the feeder in my friends’ garden this morning. It was too big to stand on the pegs on the feeder, which is meantContinue reading “Early Bird”

Feathery Fidgety Fellows

I’m part of an artist collective called Commensalis that aims to organise pop-up exhibitions in quirky places to get our work seen by a good cross-section of people, not only dedicated artanistas. We’ve found a geat mortuary chapel in Bath, UK and we’re busy raising some money through crowd-funding to cover the costs of puttingContinue reading “Feathery Fidgety Fellows”

Ruffled Feathers

  It’s getting cold, it’s very rainy and the poor pigeons are huddling together, ruffling their feathers against the awful Autumn weather. They’re clustered on the parapet next to the landing at the studios, opposite the old Albert Hall. They also hang out on the pavement outside the flower shop below, because people feed them.Continue reading “Ruffled Feathers”

A Page Of Pigeons

  There’s a nice cafe in an old cinema that’s been converted to a Waterstones bookshop in the cuty centre. Sometimes I sit in the large Victorian bow window, drinking tea and wathcing what’s going on outside and sketching. When I first started, there was a Woolworth’s store opposite which had large signage that stuckContinue reading “A Page Of Pigeons”