Good Paint, Good Textures

Here’s another of the little scraps of Bockingford paper (from St. Cuthbert’s Mill) I’ve been colouring with Liquitex Heavy Body acrylic paints, probably to use for collage at some point. But to be honest, the more I look at some of these little scraps, the more I appreciate them as they are. The paint isContinue reading “Good Paint, Good Textures”

Male Model And Paper Mills

Here’s a completed piece in charcoal I did at last Thursday’s life drawing group at Swansea Print Workshop. It was the first session since lockdown began in March and it was so good to be back. Because of the current restrictions, we were only able to have 5 drawers plus the model and it wasContinue reading “Male Model And Paper Mills”

As Dark As It Gets

This started as a very pale watercolour landscape that I uploaded onto my Samsung Galaxy Note tablet into a free Markers app. I’ve been making it darker and darker with cross-hatching and scribbles but I think this is about as dark as I can go with it. The slides show the process from the originalContinue reading “As Dark As It Gets”

Getting Somewhere

I started this little watercolour a couple of weeks ago, when I was in Ceredigion, using Winsor & Newton half pans onto St. Cuthbert’s Mill watercolour paper. I’m not used to watercolours and the scene before me was very pale and misty and I was a bit disappointed by it, to be honest. So IContinue reading “Getting Somewhere”

Getting Darker

I’m carrying on drawing experimentally on top of a little watercolour sketch I did en plein air a couple of days ago. I uploaded it onto my Samsung Galaxy Note 8 tablet into a free Markers drawing app and I’m working over it with cross-hatching and scribbling. The version I did yesterday is better thanContinue reading “Getting Darker”

Wishy Washy

I’ve been having a go at watercolours recently, since I won a really nice St. Cuthbert’s Mill Saunders Waterford glued watercolour block in a Facebook competition. I’m not really into painting but this is lovely paper and there’s a lot of it and, frankly, waste not, want not, as my Nana used to say. HusbContinue reading “Wishy Washy”

A Last Little Quickie

And here’s the last of the very quick watercolour sketches I made recently, sitting in the sunshine on the clifftop in Southgate overlooking the sea. I concentrated on capturing the flow of the colours before me, rather than recording details. I’ve never been particularly into land / seascape art so I don’t have any hardContinue reading “A Last Little Quickie”

Another Quickie

I’m so lucky to live near the sea and Husb and I are often strolling along the beach, or we’ll go for a short drive to walk along cliffs or along an estuary path. I’ve started to carry my Winsor & Newton half pan watercolours and a Waterford glued block of watercolour paper to captureContinue reading “Another Quickie”

PsychedeliCat 2

Not quite as psychedelic as yesterday’s PsychedeliCat but still pretty colourful. I have a miserable summer cold and my brain has turned into cotton wool so I’m entertaining myself doing little pencil drawings of cats onto my Waterford watercolour block and colouring them in with Winsor & Newton half pan watercolours. I’ll get back toContinue reading “PsychedeliCat 2”


I did a small drawing in pencil of this cat back in December, onto my Saunders Waterford watercolour paper block, and have only just now got round to painting it. I can’t move onto the next sheet of paper because it’s one of those glued blocks so I have to finish everything on it beforeContinue reading “PsychedeliCat”