A Cluster Of Heads…

I’ve been flipping through old sketchbooks, reminding myself of work I’d forgotten about. I came across a cluster of heads in one that I’d bought from the Tate gallery in London. Nice sketchbook. I like drawing heads and faces, but children’s faces are so difficult. The younger they are, the more they look like anContinue reading “A Cluster Of Heads…”

Rainbows In Durham

  Husb and I have been doing a mini tour of North East England over the Bank Holiday and visited the historic town of Durham yesterday, which was hosting a Pride festival. There were rainbows everywhere.  I had to have a scribble,  didn’t I? So I did a bit of pen and watercolour work enContinue reading “Rainbows In Durham”

The School Stone Redrawn

  I’ve been travelling around South Wales drawing ancient stone monuments in the field but I’ve now started to look at the drawings and photos to decide how to develop them; maybe more complex drawings or mixed media pieces: etchings or linocuts? The first stage in this process for me is to do some smallContinue reading “The School Stone Redrawn”

Stitching And Tying

I’m working flat out to finish this print installation made up of almost 50 small prints on Shiohara paper sewn onto handmade Tate Gallery Indian paper. I’m assembling them onto a wooden clothes horse. I had originally intended to put them on with wooden pegs but the bars are too thick for pegs so I’mContinue reading “Stitching And Tying”

The Beautiful Machine

A while back, I had a small rubber stamp made up from a silkscreen print I did based on the fabulous Frida Kahlo, an artist I admire very much. I printed it onto small leftover pieces of a beautiful Japanese Shiohara paper that I had been using for another print job. I had been wonderingContinue reading “The Beautiful Machine”

A Bit Of Columbian

I was down at Swansea Print Workshop earlier and took some time to scribble the lovely old Columbian printing press. Dating from quite early in Queen Victoria’s reign (1855) this beauty is still in use, even though it’s a little bit wobbly and idiosyncratic. It’s quite complex and I’m right out of my comfort zone,Continue reading “A Bit Of Columbian”

A Vast Behind

  Back at Folly Farm yesterday, I was in the right place at the right time, standing under a fodder bucket in the Giraffe enclosure during feeding time. Rhian the giraffe was eating her scran just a couple of feet above my head! Well, I had to scribble her, didn’t I? Then she turned herContinue reading “A Vast Behind”

Tube Heads

Husb and I went to London on Saturday to take in some art and I always take the opportunity to do some sketching on the Tube. It’s not easy because the trains shake around a lot and they’re packed, especially at the weekend, but I managed a couple of decent heads. The first is usingContinue reading “Tube Heads”