Playing Around.

I take my art very seriously and I rarely relax and play around with it. I’m trying to be a bit freer, so this evening I had a play with a charcoal drawing I did way back in early lockdown – seems like so long ago now. I uploaded the drawing into Adobe Photoshop andContinue reading “Playing Around.”

Sticking Up In Little Spikes….

Here’s a little bit of a van Gogh sunflower from the copy I painted in one of Ed Sumner’s Cheese and Wine Painting Clubs on Facebook. I’m selling the painting to raise funds for LATCH, The Children’s Cancer Charity which has given fantastic support to a young relative over the past few years and helpedContinue reading “Sticking Up In Little Spikes….”

Timelapse Sunflowers

Here’s a short timelapse film of the van Gogh painting of Sunflowers I recently copied. It’s got a really noisy soundtrack so watch out! I wish I could paint it this fast in real life – he was a very complex painter and the works take a long time to do.   A Chance ToContinue reading “Timelapse Sunflowers”

Finished Faking Sunflowers

I finally finished faking van Gogh’s sunflowers. I’ve been faffing around with it off and on for a few weeks now. The strange sunflowers at the bottom of the vase took a lot of work and I was stumped about how to do them at first, but then I worked out how to dapple paintContinue reading “Finished Faking Sunflowers”

Dapping The Sunflowers

I’ve been carrying on copying this vase of sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh today. It’s not easy. I keep checking back with the original and it’s clear that Vincent used many layers of thick paint applied in streaks and dashes with a brush. The lower sunflowers look like he was dapping the paint on withContinue reading “Dapping The Sunflowers”

Sunflowers Or Sea Urchins?

I carried on with this copy of one of van Gogh’s famous sunflower paintings. He did about eight of them and this one has a lush blue background. There are two different types of sunflower in the vase and when you get up close to the painting, the lower ones look a bit like seaContinue reading “Sunflowers Or Sea Urchins?”

Guess Who I’m Faking?

I’m doing some extra faking this week. When Ed Sumner started the Cheese and Wine Painting Club at the beginning of Lockdown 1.0, almost a year ago now, I didn’t join until the 6th session so I thought I’d go back and look at some of the ones he did right at the start. IncludingContinue reading “Guess Who I’m Faking?”

I Hated Doing This One!

I finally finished the painting I started with Facebook’s Cheese and Wine Painting Club over a week ago. It’s a weekly session where people join in online to paint a fake. This is the first time I really found it a chore and to be honest I hated doing it, which is why it’s takenContinue reading “I Hated Doing This One!”

Sunflowers Of The Damned

People sometimes ask me if I could do them a ‘nice landscape’. My answer to that is that I don’t do a nice anything. Husb and I went down to Rhossili Bay this evening to see the field of sunflowers and I drew them with charcoal into my Khadi sketchbook. The flowers are beautiful, bright andContinue reading “Sunflowers Of The Damned”